- I talk to myself constantly, often getting into arguments with myself until one side wins and the other cowers in shame.
- I anger easily, and although try to control it, find it extremely difficult.
- I created a stone encasing around myself to try and not show emotion or hurt, but inside the shell am as sensitive as those little hairs on a Venus fly trap.
- I trust no one. Not really. It takes years to gain my trust, even those I say, and do, Love aren't completely trusted. There's less pain that way.
- I can go from completely hysterical to utterly grave and serious in a second.
- I have the inconvenient and uncontrollable desire to try and help people, or rather, fix situations. yes, there is a difference.
- I don't fear or feel the cold. I never have.
- I love the outdoors but avoid them as well, and for the same reasons.
- When I am truly angry it becomes unsafe.
- I dream of something that happens in the future way too often.
- When I'm alone I sing loud and strong, even as awful as I am.
- My books are more than time passers, or even obsessions...they're an escape.
- I write for hours on end sometimes, and then maybe a few sentences a month others.
- My character, Carna, is who I talk to most. Not nessesarily myself, but her. She is the more logical and reasoning side.
- I created Carna as everything I wanted to be again. Fearless, apathetic, intelligent, strong, brave...all that heroic stuff.
- Sometimes I'll look for someone who is rude and insulting on purpose just to infuriate them by remaining calm and indifferent.
- I'm a real bitch when it comes to defending myself.
- I can be utterly cold without meaning to be.
- I hate it when people are joyous and happy around me when its obvious I'm wallowing in misery.
- My best thinking is in the shower. (yeah, TMI I know, shut up.)
- I always keep one consistent thing on me, usually a necklace on me, or a stone in my pocket. Each one means something. Don't we all seek consistency in our lives?
- I'm republican and Christian (protestant division) which usually means that I get into debates way to easily.
- I fight too much with people.
- I replay every stupid thing I say and do over in my head until I need to shake myself os slap my face to snap out of it.
- I'm terrible at drawing but sketch all the time anyway.
- I'm too prideful in myself.
- One adult has said that I am disrespectful towards elders. (although I doubt that, I just don't particularly like *her*)
- It pisses me off when people try to force me to do something and I'm often too rebellious about it.
- I tend to rant and see things differently than most people.
- My sense of humor is variously different from most.
- I rarely watch television.
- I don't have cable.
- My dream is to write my books, and then maybe films before moving to Greece. I want to own a house on a rocky cliff area, overlooking the Mediterranean Sea.
- Although my entire family on my mothers side is Hispanic I can't speak Spanish to save my life.
- I'm obsessed with dragons and other mythical folklore...mostly dragons.
- I hate preppy girls.
- I hate preppy abreviations like "obvi" "tots" and "tip" (obvious, totally, typical)
- I want to tear out the throats of people who type like this: "omggggg I like tots jst 4 realsies loooooove this puppy, 'es likesss so totally cuuuuuuuuuute!!!!!! :) :) :)!!!"
- I sometimes do use the occasional signature text talk that I caught on from some friends. Only consisting of "es" (instead of is, like a spanish accent or something) "yesh." (when I feel comical) and "l8rs" (when I'm leaving the conversation). Yes, I suppose I'm guilty of it too.
- I like youtube way too much.
- I've succeeded in dating two guys. One a total jerk, the second...there are no words to describe the betrayal -.-
- Most my friends are guys.
- My "formal" and church attire are a nice fitting sweatshirt and jeans. Or in the summer, tank top and jean shorts.
- I love to swim, reminds me of flying.
- My favorite (non-mythical) animals are the owl, the tiger, and most rodents.
- I will eat most any food except salad.
- I have no life.
l8rs! (guilty)